Catching Up on Our Chaos
I thought of so many directions I could go with this post...trying to capture and summarize our life for the past week including Thanksgiving although it really doesn't feel like we had a Thanksgiving, it has been so crazy.
The Saturday before Thanksgiving Mom and I took the kids to the mall, I literally hadn't been to the mall since before Silas was born (he's 4 months old now), Taegan had been out of control lately and I felt like she needed me to do something special with her and give her a little special attention to "reset" things so we were taking her to ride the Christmas train. She rode the train and even waved at Santa and told him "Hi" (an improvement from the past 2 years) then some how we ended up at the "Germ Jungle" aka Bounce About. She loved the big slide and had tons of fun. However, I feel like this is probably where she picked up the nasty respiratory virus that invaded our house last Wednesday just in time for Thanksgiving.
The Saturday before Thanksgiving Mom and I took the kids to the mall, I literally hadn't been to the mall since before Silas was born (he's 4 months old now), Taegan had been out of control lately and I felt like she needed me to do something special with her and give her a little special attention to "reset" things so we were taking her to ride the Christmas train. She rode the train and even waved at Santa and told him "Hi" (an improvement from the past 2 years) then some how we ended up at the "Germ Jungle" aka Bounce About. She loved the big slide and had tons of fun. However, I feel like this is probably where she picked up the nasty respiratory virus that invaded our house last Wednesday just in time for Thanksgiving.
Last Monday Silas had his 4 month check up and Taegan had her 3 year check up (our first of FOUR trips to F. Read Hopkins in the past week and half). Both kids got great check ups and Taegan was thrilled that Silas was the only one who had to get shots. I can't get over how fast they are growing, in the past week Silas has started sitting in his high chair, playing in the exersaucer, rolling from tummy to back, blowing spit bubbles, and making all kinds of cute new sounds!
Wednesday when Taegan woke up from her nap sickness had invaded, she had a fever, nasty cough, and snotty nose! We have been so blessed that she is 3 years old and this is literally her 5th illness...ever, but when she gets sick...she gets sick and even though I'm a nurse I seem to forget everything! Thursday morning, Thanksgiving, Brandon took Taegan to F. Read Hopkins to find out it was indeed a virus and could last a week and would probably get worse before it got better :( Silas and I made a quick trip to my parent's house to grab a plate of food for me and Brandon and tell everyone "Hi, Happy Thanksgiving, Bye." Then off to work I went from 3pm-11pm. This is the one picture I took on Thanksgiving!
Amidst all the chaos we got to enjoy a little time with Brandon's Aunt Sharon, Uncle Pat, and cousin McCrea from New Orleans. They got in Wednesday evening and left Sunday morning even though we didn't get to visit as much as would have liked to it was so good to see them.
Yes...Taegan is holding a stethoscope because her paranoid nurse Mama insisted on listening to her lungs daily to make sure they were still clear!
Monday evening after I came home from work we made our third trip to F. Read Hopkins because even though Taegan's cough was gradually improving she was irritable and still had a low grade temperature. My suspicions were confirmed...double ear infection!
Meanwhile sweet little Silas had started coughing and snotting too. After a second sleepless night with the second born I made the fourth trip to F. Read Hopkins yesterday, mostly for my peace of mind and them to tell me his lungs and ears were clear (for now). Taegan is starting to feel a lot better and hopefully Silas can avoid an ear infection and start feeling better really soon. I hate seeing them sick and feeling so helpless.
I am so ready to put these things back in the cabinet!!
I think that pretty much catches you up on our craziness. I have been reminding myself even though things haven't gone at all like I've planned lately, the kids have been sick, I am sleep deprived (due to two sick kids), and our money tree seems to have died we are so blessed. Times like this it is so easy to get wrapped up in the negative, I know I do, but compared to what so many other people are facing our troubles are minor.
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