Lessons Learned

The things I've learned in the past 6 weeks:

  • I can function on very little sleep.  However, a good night sleep can change my entire outlook on life.
  • My multi-tasking skills are awesome!  I can do so many things while nursing Silas I never realized were possible to do with one hand. 
  • Baby-wearing is incredible.  If it wasn't for baby-wearing we wouldn't eat because I wouldn't be able to shop for groceries. Now if I could just find a solution for Silas' hatred of the carseat!
  • You can only look at Facebook and Pinterest so much between the hours of 1a.m. and 4a.m. before you go cross eyed.
  • I can accomplish more in the hour or two both kids are down for a nap at the same time than I would in a whole week before children.
  • It is OKAY if the kids don't get a bath everyday.
  • It can be normal for a baby to go 5 days between poops!  But expect some really stinky gas!
  • Your husband is your biggest ally you must remain united or the "little ones" will overthrow the whole household. 
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help!
  • My appreciation for my own Mom grows each day.  Not only was she an amazing Mom when my sister and I were little, she has been my biggest supporter and best friend since becoming a Mom myself.  She is always there to listen to me vent and encourage me. 
  • When you have your first child time seems to speed up and life goes by faster...when you have two children time truly flies!  
  • I may never make it anywhere on time with both children.
  • Pick your battles...I knew this already, but the importance has sunk in.  Does it really matter if Taegan wants to wear her dress with pumpkins on it around the house in August?  No.
  • More restaurants and even stores should have drive-thrus because lets be real...taking two children in and out of a carseat to grab one or two things is a huge pain in the rear.
  • My heart is capable of more love than I ever imagined possible.

The most important thing I have learned in the past 6 weeks is I have to be the Mom that is right for MY CHILDREN.  Spending all this time on Facebook and Pinterest while nursing at first made me feel like I wasn't good enough.  {Don't get me wrong I love Facebook and especially Pinterest as much as the next girl but it can easily make you feel like your house is messy, closet is bare, and you are lacking creativity.}

I would read an article about how McDonald's is like feeding your child poison and Pringles are cancer in a can and feel guilty that Taegan had ate both of those things that week day.

I would see a picture a friend posts of her children in a double jogging stroller, another friends "selfie" in her new work out clothes looking trim, and feel overweight and out of shape.

I would look at all the cute toddler crafts on Pinterest and feel bad that I hadn't even sat down and colored with Taegan that day.

I would see a picture of a friends new baby in their newborn "fluff" and feel bad that I had yet to prep our newborn cloth diapers.

I would read Facebook status after status describing the four coarse homemade meals and feel ashamed we had had a frozen pizza for dinner that night. 

Then I realized I may not have the cleanest house, create out of this world Pinterest projects daily (I have done a few ;)), make a homemade dinner every night, dress in the latest fashion, be able to run a 5K, use only cloth diapers, and the list goes on.  But...I love my children dearly and every decision I make is with their best interest in mind.  I am learning to except my best as good enough.  Some days I feel like Super Mom...the kids both take good naps at the same time, I get to clean the house,  over come the overflowing laundry basket, get a shower and put some make up on, spend one on one time with each child, do all the things that in MY mind equal success.  But then there are days that my house looks like a tornado touched down, Taegan frequents the time out chair, Silas wants to nurse all day, and no one but me wants to take a nap (and everyone needs one).  Those days don't equal failure it just means it was a difficult day.  So when my head finally hits the pillow that night I thank God for all my blessings and pray for a better day tomorrow.  I wouldn't trade this life for anyone else's.  Our good days far out weigh our bad ones and I know my children will never have to question whether or not they are loved!

I love being Taegan and Silas' Mom it is the best most rewarding (sometimes challenging) job ever!

"(24/7) once you sign on to be a mother, that's the only shift they offer."
- Jodi Picoult


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