Hi Ho Hi Ho...It's Back To Work I Go!

My last week of maternity leave is coming to an end...and I want to go sit in a corner and cry.  Alright, I guess that is a little dramatic but I am seriously dreading leaving my sweet babies.  I was blessed to get to stay home with Taegan and Silas for 12 weeks, but boy did it go by fast!

Some women claim they could /would never be a stay at home Mom, they enjoy getting out into the work force and get a sense of accomplishment out of bringing home the "bacon."  There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling that way.  But I on the other hand could totally rock this stay at home Mom role.  Is it challenging...you bet, but I love being with my babies.  However, the bills keep coming and so to work I must go.  I am so grateful that I will only be working two days a week and have a nursing job with a flexible schedule so when I am working Brandon and my Mom will be loving on Taegan and Silas.  I know they will be just fine, but I will still miss them terribly.

It will be a sad ride to work Monday morning and I will have to practice a lot of self restraint not to speed home!  My patients better keep their acts together...no trying to code at 2:30pm!

Who can blame me for not wanting to leave these sweet faces?!

Crooked Little Grin

Practicing for Monday!
I'm proud to say Brandon passed the test...he remembered how to fix a bottle and Silas drank his bottle like a pro.


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