One Month 2015 Update

Well we've hit the one month mark on all of our New Year Resolutions.  Have you completely kicked them to the side OR are you rocking it?

Here's a little overview on how I'm doing...

  • Blog More.  This will be post number five for me in 2015, which I'm sure breaks the record for most blog posts per month for all of 2014.  So I'm doing pretty good in this area. 
  • Get In God's Word Daily.  I have done really well with this one too!  I have read my devotions EVERY day this month and we've attend church three Sundays in January.  I also just ordered the She Reads Truth Lent Bible study which I'm super excited about.  I have such a more positive outlook on life when I fill myself with God's promises.  
  • Take Better Care of My Body.  Here is where I stubble.  I have yo-yoed up and down on the scale by a few pounds all month.  I'll do great all day and then blow it on dinner or do great for a couple days and then eat terrible the whole next day.  If I give myself an inch, I take a mile.  But watching several of my friends rock it using Arbonne's 30 Days to Feeling Fit Kit, has hopefully given me the push in the right direction I needed.  After all I actually have all the products in my pantry I just need to put them into use.  I just took my before pictures a few days ago (which is pretty motivating) and will hopefully, with lots of prayer for self control, have some after pictures to post soon.  For the last 4 days I have REALLY committed to eating healthier (I didn't even eat any of the yummy looking donuts one of the doctors brought into work yesterday) and drinking my protein shakes and I've already lost a couple pounds and I feel much better!
  • Be More Patient with Taegan.  This is a daily challenge.  We have good days and not so good days.  But overall I feel like we've made baby steps in the right direction. 
  • Reduce Our Debit.  Woohoo...we have cut up 4 credit cards!!  Granted they all had balances less than $500 and we still have more debit to eliminate but it's major progress.  We have paid these balances off before then over time they begin to grow again, but this time is different because I literally cut them up!  I totally fall into the trap that I can get extra discounts/coupons by getting a credit card then I'm not able to pay the balance off before I start accruing interest so...I would have been better off to purchase the item at full price when I had the money to pay for it. 
  • Spend More Time Engaged with the Children.  While there is still room for improvement in this area I do feel like I've made progress.
  • Simplify and Organize More.  Well...I've cleaned out a couple drawers and our closet but haven't made any major advancements in this area yet either.
  • Ride Our Horses More.  I rode about once a week in January which is much better than I did before and since it's the middle of winter and our Virginia weather is a little bipolar I'm considering that pretty good.  I am hoping to increase this number once spring hits and we have more pretty days. 

Not to bad...huh?!  Hope you are still rocking your New Year Resolutions!

And here is a random Christmas picture since I never posted our Christmas pictures.


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