Baby Bump #2 - First & Second Trimester

I am going to back track just a little to catch everyone up on baby #2.  I am currently 27 weeks  I can not believe we little be welcoming our little boy into the world in three short months.

This is the picture we wrapped up and gave to our parents to tell them we were expecting baby #2!  Their reactions were priceless!

Welcome to the Second Trimester!! Although,  I wasn't nearly as sick with this pregnancy as I was with my daughter I was more than ready to see some of my energy return and the first trimester end.

16 Weeks...and feeling little baby wiggles! This was also the first day I wore a pair of maternity pants.  Although,  it wasn't necessary yet, they are just so much more comfortable...once I slipped into that first pair there was no looking back.

20 Weeks...the half way mark! I am actually starting to feel and look pregnant.  The day this picture was taken was also the day we had our ultrasound and found out baby #2 is a boy!

Waiting to have my ultrasound and see "Little Roo"

It's a BOY!  Much to my husbands surprise baby #2 is a boy!  I had constantly teetered back and forth on the gender of the baby, but Brandon really thought the baby was going to be another girl...wrong!

24 Weeks.  Baby #2's kicks and jabs are getting much stronger, Brandon and my sister Lauren have been able to feel the baby move and sometimes you can just watch my stomach and see the kicks.  Feeling the baby move is my favorite thing about being pregnant, it creates such a special bond and I love imagining him and his position each time he reminds me he is growing inside of me. 

Taegan "knows" to a certain extent what is happening.  We have been very honest with her but, come on, she is only 2 1/2 years old so she only understands and comprehends so much.  She has very consistently told us and anyone else who comments on my growing belly, "there is baby in Mommy's tummy, it has to grow big...then it come out Mommy's sock." sock!  Who knew?!  We aren't sure where she got the idea that the baby was coming out of my sock/foot but we are just going to leave it at that for now!


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